UPS Delivery Man Leaves a Kind Message on a Ring Camera and is Met With an Overwhelming Reaction
Undoubtedly, the early days of parenthood are filled with sleepless nights, a mountain of soiled diapers, and tears from both the baby and the parents.
Obviously, new parents can almost always benefit from additional assistance. When a new mother received comfort from an unexpected source, she knew she had to tell the world and repay the kindness.
The deep meaning of stork
The Kitchels kept a stork on the grass in front of their house for a number of years. It is obvious that this is a fake stork meant for decoration, as evidenced by the blue receiving blanket that is dangling from its beak.

Source: Frank Rothe/Getty Images
Those who were on the outside looking in might have gotten the impression that a miracle had taken place within the house based on what they saw. Nevertheless, in spite of this, there were not a great number of people who came to congratulate the couple.
A family’s joy despite the long recovery ahead
Jessica Kitchel gave birth to her second child, a son, in November of 2021, and the couple decided to call their new son Chancy.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
In spite of the fact that both Jessica’s labor and delivery were difficult processes, the arrival of the new child brought joy to the parents and to the rest of the family. But Jessica was required to go through a protracted period of recovery time since Chancy was born via caesarean section.
The whirlwind feeling
In spite of the fact that Jessica already had a daughter of her own, the arrival of a new baby was a source of both excitement and anxiety for the Kitchel family.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
“The last 48 hours have gone from a whirlwind to the sweetest, quietest moments,” she posted on Instagram after recovering from giving birth to her son Chancy. Both recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn baby are very challenging tasks to take on at the same time.
Stork’s symbolism to Kitchels
Consequently, despite the fact that Jessica and her husband were overjoyed about Chancy’s arrival, they were aware that the days and weeks to come would not be without their fair share of challenges. The stork served as a comforting reminder that the painful recovery and sleepless nights would be well worth it in the end.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
In addition, there is a possibility that the Kitchels and Dallen Harrell would have never come into contact with one another had the stork sign not been erected.
A curious delivery guy
A UPS delivery driver by the name of Dallen Harrell pulled up in front of the house one day, not too long after Chancy had been born. It was brought to his attention that there was a stork on the lawn.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
It would have been difficult to miss it! And it didn’t take the 24-year-old man very long to put two and two together about the new baby, especially when he saw the package that he was delivering at the time.
Dallen resonates with the meaning of the parcel and stork
Dallen was delivering a brand-new box of baby formula. The formula and the stork were familiar to him; he was very knowledgeable about babies’ needs.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
The baby supplies put a smile on Dallen’s face. He was thinking about his own new baby boy, born in September. He and his fiancee, Taqueria Robinson-Davidson, were thrilled to become parents. He felt an instant connection with the Kitchel family.
In the same shoes
Dallen knew what the Kitchels were going through, as he and his fiancee were experiencing the same things, dealing with a newborn. As a consequence of this feeling of connection, the UPS driver felt compelled to leave a message for the Kitchel family.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
In the end, despite the fact that becoming a parent presents its very own unique set of challenges for each and every family, there are certain difficulties that are experienced by all new parents. Dallen was well aware of the challenges that the Kitchels were going to face in the days and weeks to come.
Caring for babies is a challenge
Babies, particularly newborns, require the undivided attention of their parents. Even the most experienced parents can feel worn out and frazzled by the continuous need to change diapers, feed the baby in the middle of the night, and soothe a fussy infant.

Source: senivpetro/Freepik
These are the constant demands of caring for a young child. The first few years of a child’s life are difficult for any family, but they can be particularly difficult for families who already have older children.
The transition period
The arrival of a new member of the family can be stressful not only for the parents but also for the child or children who already live in the house. It can be disorienting for them to realize that they are no longer their parents’ only child’s pride and joy all of a sudden, which is a severe understatement.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
The Kitchels were in the midst of going through this period of adjustment while they were taking care of their older daughter, Charlie.
The message of the UPS Driver
The Kitchels were relieved to finally have their much-needed supply of baby formula delivered, but the last thing they expected to find was a message left by the UPS driver.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
They certainly did not anticipate something like this happening, and it goes without saying that it came as a surprise to them. But Dallen felt clear that he needed to offer some words of encouragement to the family, even though he wasn’t exactly in a position to do so in person at the time.
The unexpected encouragement
Dallen put the box of baby formula that he delivered on the ground, bent down so that he was facing the Kitchels’ front door camera, and started to speak.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
“If this is the ‘It’s A Boy’ house, I hope all is going well with your newborn,” Dallen began by making reference to the stork. “I had a child at around the same time you guys did, and I just hope everything is going good.”
Dallen's words
The final words that Dallen uttered before bringing an end to his speech were, “God bless, and happy holidays.” Following the delivery of those heartfelt remarks, the UPS driver walked back to his vehicle, got in, and drove away, leaving behind his simple compassionate message.

Source: NBC News/YouTube
On the other hand, the message that Dallen at first considered to be “simple” turned out to be anything but simple. When Jessica initially received the message, she was amazed.
Jessica’s astonishment
Jessica shared her thoughts with The Washington Post, “I was just so blown away by the fact that… he took the time to stop and do it,” After she posted the video to Instagram, it didn’t take long for it to amass tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, of views.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
It seemed as though other people were just as thrilled by Dallen’s kind sentiments, and Jessica was quick to express her gratitude to the UPS driver.
A moved heart
Jessica wrote that it was such a good feeling to realize that there are still truly wonderful people working tirelessly every day for others. She wrote on Instagram that it is really easy to focus on what isn’t going right on any given day.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
She added that it was good to be reminded of this fact. Because Jessica’s emotions were stirred by what Dallen have said, she felt compelled to give an answer.
Finding the kind delivery guy
The problem with responding was that she only knew Dallen’s first name and that he worked for UPS. She didn’t even know his last name! She wrote on Instagram that she’d really like to know his name, and hoped that he would return to their area.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
But it was impossible to say when or even if Dallen would ever drive down her block again. Thankfully, Jessica was successful in her search thanks to the assistance of a UPS representative.
The kind stranger’s name
Jessica didn’t have to wait very long before she learned the name of the kind stranger, who turned out to be Dallen Harrell, and that he was only working for UPS during the Christmas season.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
She wanted to let Dallen know how much she appreciated the caring message he had stated, so she left her information with the person at UPS with the hope that it would be sent to Dallen at some point in the future.
The much-awaited call
And sure enough, the day finally came when Jessica’s phone started ringing, and Dallen was on the other end of the line! The two were able to form a connection as a result of their similar experiences as new parents.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
Dallen was able to explain why he had chosen to leave the message on the Kitchels’ camera in the first place, and the two were able to form a connection because of their shared experiences.
Deep meaning from the heart
According to what Dallen disclosed to The Washington Post, his message was merely something that he felt strongly about and needed to get out.

Source: Nick Cannon/YouTube
Nevertheless, it does not happen very frequently that complete strangers do things out of the kindness of their hearts, and as it turned out, Dallen’s motivation for sending his message was not only his compassion for new parents. The fact that Dallen is so kind to others is, in point of fact, a direct consequence of the challenging childhood he endured.
Priceless life lesson despite in difficult time
Due to a severe heart problem, Dallen had to have open-heart surgery when he was just 13 years old, as reported by The Washington Post. The tragedy was made even worse by the fact that Dallen’s father passed away only a few short years later.

Source: Dallen K. Harrell/Instagram
Despite the difficulties they overcame as a team, however, Dallen’s mother instilled in him priceless life lessons that he has carried with him into adulthood and continues to carry with him now.
Dallen mom’s teaching
That’s right: Dallen’s mother instilled in him the importance of projecting confidence with people by shaking their hands, demonstrating respect by making eye contact, and, most importantly, being kind to people, including total strangers. She instructed him to carry out each of these actions whenever he interacted with new people.

Source: krakenimages/Unsplash
Or, in this case, new parents who might benefit from a little pick-me-up in their day. And Jessica was adamant that no one in the group would fail to recognize the kind gesture that Dallen had performed for them.
What awaits Dallen
A few days after Dallen had left the first message for the Kitchels, the Kitchels’ address appeared on his delivery route once more. He was happy to be able to visit their house again.

Source: valentinrussanov/Getty Images
This time, Dallen didn’t have a chance to record a greeting on their front door camera. When he got to the porch, there was a surprise waiting for him. He was touched by what happened next.
Warm hug
Jessica was anxiously anticipating finally being able to meet Dallen in person, express her gratitude to him in person, and give him a hug, according to statements made by Jessica to The Washington Post.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
In point of fact, she did precisely that when Dallen was delivering the package to her house. When Dallen opened the door to leave the package, Jessica opened the front door, and she and baby Chancy surprised him and gave him a warm hug.
The encouragement words reached 20,000 views
And this time around, Dallen wasn’t the only one with a package to deliver. Jessica had put together an adorable care package for Dallen, complete with diapers, baby wipes, and a stuffed animal to cheer him up!

Source: Nick Cannon/YouTube
“Your message touched me so much so I shared it online, and it blessed a lot of people… 20,000 to be exact,” Jessica attached the note to the boxes to make sure that he’d see it.
Giving back
Jessica wrote, “We all want to bless you and your new baby in return. How does that sound?” Because of the happy expressions on everyone’s face, it gave the impression that they all agreed that it was an excellent plan of action.

Source: Jessica Kitchel/Instagram
On the other hand, that in no way marked the end of Jessica and Dallen’s story. Once again, Jessica provided her followers on Instagram with an update regarding their story, she also included a request for all of her subscribers and fans.
An unforgettable Christmas
Jessica stated in her piece that she is positive that Dallen’s message blessed a great number of people, including herself, and that she has included the links to Dallen’s baby registry in both her stories and her highlights.

Source: Tessa Rampersad/Unsplash
She then made a request for aid from her followers in order to give Dallen, an extraordinary angel, and his family a Christmas that they would never forget.
The return of kindness
Jessica was moved to repay Dallen’s kindness in a big way, but no one expected the outpouring of love that followed her Instagram post. No one could have known what would happen.

Source: Nick Cannon/YouTube
In a twist of fate flavored with irony, Dallen started getting packages in the mail from total strangers who had seen Jessica’s online plea and decided to help. The package donors had never met Jessica before but were affected by her story. “They just have been coming in abundance — mostly from strangers,” Dallen said.
Wall of diapers
Every parcel held items from Dallen and his fiancee’s baby registries at Target and Buy Buy Baby, as well as messages of encouragement from people who had been impacted by his nice gesture in the same way that Jessica had been.

Source: Vrabelpeter1/Getty Images
And Jessica and Dallen even recorded an Instagram Live together to show off the enormous “wall of diapers” that the father had built, the majority of which had been donated by those generous people they had never met.
The astonishing companionship
According to a piece that was written and published in The Washington Post, Dallen and Jessica had planned for their sons to accompany them to a gathering that was held after the celebrations had come to a close.

Source: NBC News/YouTube
To think that this surprising friendship would not have been possible if Dallen hadn’t been so kind and had shared that beautiful message with the camera back on that fateful day is mind-boggling. “I’d give someone the shirt off my back, and the last change in my cup holder,” Dallen said.