This Mother Received a Photo From the Babysitter That Left Her Paralyzed in Fear

By: Molly Denum | Published: Nov 13, 2023

Claudia was excited to be a new mother. Though she wanted to be with her baby 24/7, she needed help to take care of her newborn. She wanted someone that she could trust. It took time to find the perfect sitter. 

When she did get one, she didn’t expect that the picture they sent could set off a chain reaction, the likes of which she could never have anticipated. 

A Responsible Mom

Claudia Sorhaindo was a diligent and responsible mother. After giving birth, she couldn’t wait to take care of her baby. Unfortunately, however, she also had to go back to work. Nonetheless, she did her best to raise a child while balancing her professional life.



Though her daughter was only two months old, she still needed to earn a living. It’s a tough life, but someone has to do it. Being able to go back to work was necessary so she could afford to give her baby a good life. 


Getting The Help She Needs

It’s natural for a new mother like Claudia to want to spend more time with her new baby daughter. However, the culture we live in rarely recognizes a mother’s contributions as work. And so she returned to work to afford the necessities of raising a child. 


Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

As much as she wanted to spend all the time she wanted with her daughter, this was just impossible. Like other moms, she had to get a competent babysitter. But what followed was unbelievable—or at least not something Claudia could have ever imagined happening.

Reality Bites

Claudia was living in Lakeland, Florida, along with her newly born daughter, Ava. She loved taking care of her as she spent the first month tending to all her needs. However, by the second month, she sensed the need to go back to work.


Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Spending time with Ava was magical—she felt able to connect with her baby and protect her as any mother should. However, financial responsibility was always on the back of her mind, and reality slowly but surely crept in. 

Her Life Gets Thrown Out Of Balance

Many mothers have difficulty balancing their work life and personal responsibilities. Motherhood is highly demanding, and despite it being one of the most important jobs—period—society all too often overlooks the physical, mental, and emotional work of being a full-time parent.


Source: Alamy

So when Claudia received a call from her place of work, she knew her time with her daughter would be compromised. Her boss explained that she needed to attend an in-person business meeting. Claudia felt conflicted between her child and her responsibilities. 

A Mother’s Dilemma

Due to the in-person meeting she needed to attend, Claudia seemed to have no choice but to leave her baby daughter in someone else’s care. After speaking to her superior, she immediately made a list of all the possible options before she had to return to work. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Unfortunately, the options she wrote down were not at all attractive. She had to make a choice. She loved her daughter but also found it difficult to say no to keeping up in her career rather than falling behind.


A Tough Decision

Given the choices available to her, Claudia knew she only had one option. Since she had already used her maternity leave, she had no choice but to attend the business meeting as her boss advised.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Though Claudia had already made up her mind, she was concerned about what could happen if she went to work and left her newborn at home with a babysitter. Of course, her worries are shared among all new mothers who find it difficult to separate themselves from their babies. 


Finding Help

Claudia was a new mom who decided to return to work. But, along with making that decision, she also had to make another critical choice: finding a babysitter to care for her two-month-old baby girl, Ava, while she immersed herself back into her work. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Though Claudia knew the meeting wouldn’t take too long, her work would be demanding, and she would not be able to multitask effectively between the two. It was important that she choose someone she trusted to look after her daughter. But who could she ask?


Making A Call

Claudia had to go through her list of contacts quickly to see who would be available when she attended the meeting. She decided to check who among her family members was around —as well as her friends. Unfortunately, despite there being a long potential list, nobody was readily available.

Source: Unsplash

Fortunately, her sister dropped her a recommendation and gave her a name. Since this person came highly recommended by someone in her own family, Claudia breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, everything would work out after all.


A Responsible Babysitter 

Claudia’s sister recommended her daughter J’Ann—Claudia’s niece—to care for the newborn. J’Ann, according to her mother, was free. Besides, she was responsible and up to the task, despite only being a young lady herself. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia believed her sister’s recommendation was made in good faith and was aware of J’Ann’s capabilities to babysit. All the same, Claudia still felt uncertain about entrusting her newborn baby to her. After all, J’Ann was still only a teenager. It’s easy to see where she might have been coming from.


No Other Option 

Claudia expressed her doubts about her sister’s proposal. However, in the end, her sister convinced her everything would be fine. When it came down to it, Claudia had no other options. That being said, she was still worried that J’Ann’s age would be an issue.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Could a teenager have the ability to babysit an infant? Claudia couldn’t shake a bad feeling about the whole thing. Could she really leave her newborn with her niece? Her maternal instincts were on high alert. Her gut was telling her something.


The Final Decision 

As the day of Claudia’s critical business meeting approached, she couldn’t help but think that she was running out of time. She felt pushed out of choice by circumstance. She would have to go with the flow, even if it felt unsettling.

Source: Unsplash

She had been looking for other options since her sister had recommended her niece, but nobody better had agreed. Those that she wanted had said no. Due to the high number of rejections, she finally gave the go-ahead and let her niece watch baby Ava.


Strict Rules To Follow

Despite being a teenager, J’Ann felt she was capable of babysitting her aunt’s newborn. She was more than excited to start. However, no one could have predicted what was about to happen. Claudia laid out specific lists and rules to ensure that everything would go smoothly.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

She believed that doing so would also help J’Ann handle problematic situations with the baby should they arise. Still, J’Ann tried to offer an air of confidence that everything would be alright and that nothing was going to go wrong.


100% Qualified

Though J’Ann was relatively young, she was confident in caring for her aunt’s baby. This confidence wasn’t for nothing, though. She was the oldest grandchild within the family and had experience babysitting her other cousins. Best of all, J’Ann was CPR-qualified.

Source: Pinterest

Not many babysitters can claim to have that qualification. Her experience and qualifications should have made this an easy job. But of course, Claudia still left with a great deal of anxiety in her chest. Could she live with herself if something went wrong?


The Day Finally Arrives

Claudia had never been away from her daughter since the day she gave birth. Just like all new moms, she couldn’t help but feel attached to her newborn and guilty about leaving her. Being physically apart from baby Ava was tough.

Source: Alex Green/ Pexels

Though her sister had assured her about J’Ann’s capabilities, Claudia still felt uncomfortable leaving Ava to such a young sitter. However, Claudia had no choice. She had to muster up the courage to go to work and hope for the best as she strode out in her businesswear.


Leaving Her Behind

Claudia poured over all the details J’Ann needed to know. She explained to her niece everything she needed to do and the specific contact numbers to call in case an emergency arose. It seemed as though J’Ann was taking it all in. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

As a babysitter, she took in what she was being told and was prepared to take the necessary action in case of a problem. Still, Claudia was worried. She couldn’t find it in her heart to leave her baby behind.


Attending The Meeting

Claudia’s drive to the office was the longest she had ever made in her life. She constantly glanced at her phone to check for messages. She received a text from J’Ann—she couldn’t check it because she was driving. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Her anxiety was ringing all the way to the office, but she couldn’t slow down—and being a considerate and responsible driver, she wasn’t willing to look at her phone while driving. As soon as she could stop, she unlocked her phone to see what J’Ann had sent her.


Downloading The Message

Apparently, J’Ann sent Claudia a picture—the thumbnail previewed Ava’s outline, but it was too blurry to make out. Claudia couldn’t help but go into panic mode. Why would the babysitter send her a photo of her daughter? She could only think that something terrible had happened while she was away. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

As Claudia struggled to wait for the picture to load, time seemed to have stopped. Her worry and guilt were mixing together like a potent chemical reaction. She felt as though she could just about cry on the spot.


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

The picture wouldn’t load. Claudia was going crazy in the front seat, her anxiety through the roof. Millions of unwanted and intrusive thoughts were circling in her head. Was there something wrong? She hit refresh and tried to download the image again.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

What could the babysitter have sent about her two-month-old? The image was slowly but surely downloading—but her hands refused to stop trembling. When the picture finally came through after she managed to calm her shaking hands, it wouldn’t exactly be what she had expected. 


The Revelation 

Claudia’s patience had run out. She decided she could no longer wait for the image to complete its download. She wanted answers right now. She began dialing J’Ann’s number. Fortunately, she was more than ready to explain what she had sent in the picture.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

It seems that while J’Anne was babysitting, she suddenly felt hungry. It was then that J’Anne decided to make a sandwich for herself. She was so amused by something that she decided to send Ava’s mom a photo.


The Puzzling Image

Claudia immediately read J’Anne’s text. By this time, the picture had finally been downloaded in its entirety. She switched from the call screen to the image. The photo clearly shows the legs of her baby looking swollen. Claudia looked the picture up and down. What was it? 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia’s worries suddenly transformed from anxiety to amusement. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw the picture her teenage niece sent her. Claudia was shaking her head yet laughing all at the same time.


The Perfect Babysitter

When Claudia saw the complete image, she felt a profound sense of relief. Her worries dissipated as she began to laugh. She got out of her car, looked at the picture again, and wondered why she felt anxious in the first place. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

After viewing the picture, Claudia’s fears disappeared. She also realized that her worries clearly had no basis. She also happily concluded that her niece J’Anne was indeed the perfect babysitter for her beloved little one. So what was in the picture that turned her anxiety into amusement?


The Picture

Later, Claudia realized just how well-suited her niece was to the babysitting job. J’Anne proved that she knew that keeping an eye on the baby was of utmost importance, but she also knew how to get things done while keeping an eye on the kid. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

She came up with a novel idea when trying to make a sandwich in the kitchen while keeping a constant eye on the baby. It was so clever even Claudia couldn’t have come up with it herself even if she tried. 


Pocket Baby

J’Ann decided to place little baby Ava inside her sweatpants. Doing so was 100% safe as Ava was tightly secure thanks to the waistband in J’Anne’s pants. This meant that while watching Ava, she could quickly go to the kitchen and make her sandwich or do any number of things.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

When Claudia discovered J’Anne’s babysitting method, she couldn’t help but be amused. She was also relieved and grateful that her niece was making her baby’s welfare the main priority, even while caring for her own needs. 


Look, Ma, No Hands!

As a new mom, Claudia was highly pleased with what she saw. That evening, she went to Facebook and shared the amusing sight. She uploaded the picture J’Anne sent and captioned it with the words “hands-free method.” Claudia also explained in detail what exactly happened.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

When it was published, tons of comments and reactions flooded Claudia’s post. Everyone was expressing their thoughts and feelings about the unexpectedly amusing picture. Many people commented on how clever it was and how they wished they’d thought of it.


Varied Reactions 

After she posted the picture, Claudia had to go back to work the next day. She was surprised at the outpouring of varied reactions generated by the image. Social media was abuzz with J’Anne’s wise antics. She needed a little cheering with the week she’d had.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia’s entire family reacted to the picture. Being a new mother, she was aware that a lot of people would find the image amusing. They also couldn’t help but see J’Anne as a worthy babysitter indeed.


Tons Of Attention

However, Claudia was shocked that the picture she uploaded reached people other than her friends and family. When she logged into her social media profile, she saw that the image had already made its rounds all across the platform. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

The picture has been shared multiple times by different social media users. There was also a slew of comments written by many people she did not know. Claudia couldn’t believe the attention the picture had gotten.


Liked By Many

Besides the views the post generated, it also elicited hundreds of likes. Claudia had to constantly check herself if she were dreaming as she never imagined her little Ava and her niece J’Anne would become the darlings of the internet. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

As Claudia was reading the different comments from various social media users, she suddenly had an idea. At first, it struck her as ridiculous, but then it sounded pretty good. She was unsure if her concept would work, but she would be willing to try it. 


Smart Sitter

Claudia made sure she read the other comments posted by all the users who saw the picture. She also noticed that many people were tagged to her account due to the number of times it was shared. A lot of the comments couldn’t help but gush at Claudia’s adorable baby Ava. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

They also commented on the ingenuity of putting the baby inside J’Anne’s sweatpants. Some even said that Claudia’s niece was wise to think about such an unconventional solution to an everyday problem like this.


A Business Product

A user even commented that the pants baby Ava was put in should be patented. They even suggested that maternity pants should be made as baby-holders after they become redundant in their original purpose. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Though pants that can also function as a baby carrier sounds a tad silly, it actually makes sense. There may even be a market for such a product, Claudia thought. Plenty of mothers would be glad to have such a product. Could this be the making of a viable new business venture?


The Unexpected Plan 

Thanks to J’Ann, Claudia began to conjure a step-by-step business plan that could positively change the lives of new mothers and pregnant women all across the country and even, someday, beyond. Essentially, it could potentially make their lives a lot easier.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia decided to name the new product “J’Pants” in honor of her niece J’Ann as she was the one who came up with the product. There was so much potential in the business that they were soon in production mode.


Big Obstacle

The aunt and niece got talking about it. Soon, both Claudia and J’Ann were ecstatic about the pant’s design. But it only took a short time for Claudia to realize that putting up a small business took a lot of time and energy. It also required significant funding.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia needed to get financial support to create the product. She thought about setting up a GoFundMe page, having seen many great projects get picked up from crowdfunding before. She set up a goal and watched the page for a response.


The Donations Poured In

Though the fundraiser didn’t achieve the targeted amount, donations poured in from various people. A lot of them wanted to see the JPants put into production. They wished to see them come into existence soon so they could start wearing them!

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Unfortunately, since the page was opened in 2017, only $220 was raised. Crowdfunding doesn’t always pay off, it seems. Would this setback stop Claudia from pursuing her goal, or would she continue to plod on despite such a financial obstacle?


A Supportive Family

Throughout such a turbulent time, Claudia was still grateful for what she had. She was extremely appreciative of J’Ann’s continued efforts in caring for her baby Ava. Clearly, her niece was doing her very best to help her adjust to being a working mom.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Plus, Claudia’s own family was similarly supportive. She felt very lucky to have a loving and supportive community she could easily reach out to when she needed them. Things weren’t always perfect, but she had a great deal of love in her life.


The Hard Truth

There was a solid reason why Claudia found the need to be overprotective toward her little bundle of joy, Ava. In truth, it was not her first time being a mom. Her worry and anxieties were not brought about by the “first-time mother syndrome.” 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

In fact, Claudia came from a big family. She also experienced a traumatic event early on as a newly pregnant mother. It was something she could not easily forget. She took it with her after having beautiful Ava.


Losing A Baby

Unfortunately, Claudia did lose one baby. It was 2011, and she was caring for Jenelle, her three-month-old daughter. However, there was some mix-up with medication that resulted in an unexpected accident. The entire family was devastated when Jenelle passed away. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Claudia found it almost impossible to go on leading a normal life. She didn’t know how to move past the incident. It took her many days, weeks, months, and even years just to raise her spirits again. She never really recovered from the loss.


A New Start

But as fate would have it, she became pregnant with Ava. At this time, she and her fiancé decided to move to America. Claudia didn’t actually believe she could ever be pregnant again. But when she learned she was having another baby, she saw it as a miracle and a blessing. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

She couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed that she was going to have another child. All she knew was that she would love and protect her new baby. She thought about her responsibilities in a completely different light.


Supportive Community 

After Claudia lost her little Jenelle, she and her partner were told that they would never have another child in their lives. But when Claudia got pregnant and gave birth to Ava, she knew this child was special. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

The couple decided to live in the United States to get adequate support from their families and friends. They needed all the help they could get to make the process of raising a family relatively easy. The problem was that they needed to support themselves.


Loved And Appreciated

When she posted the picture on her Facebook, it became viral. It only vindicated her decision to move to the States. Being in America allowed her to receive all the help she could get in almost any situation she found herself in.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

The support and love she received from her community of followers, relatives, and good friends prove the intense affection they all have for each other’s welfare. All these brought her a sense of security she could never find anywhere else.


Bundle Of Joy

Having Baby Ava was a great blessing for Claudia and her partner. When they lost Jenelle, no one in their family believed they could ever recover from the tragic loss. But with time, everyone—including Claudia herself—was proven wrong.

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

The new life they were gifted with was more than enough for them to believe that miracles do happen and that nothing is impossible. Ava also helped them accept change and see the numerous opportunities available to them.


New Beginnings

Claudia was ready to start anew. The business she created with her niece J’Ann and little daughter Ava was a symbol of the new life she intended to live as they pushed forward to the future. Thankfully, her family was always there to support her and all her endeavors. 

Source: CreepyWorld/ Youtube

Their love helped her to overcome her tragic experiences. In a sense, they saved her. She didn’t have to rely so much on anti-depressants to keep her functioning. Their love alone was enough to keep her going.
