Man Discovers Unknown Box In Trash – Nobody Can Figure Out Its Contents

By: Paige Burns | Last updated: Oct 02, 2023

Reddit u/TramStopDan captured the attention of the internet community with his post about a mysterious wooden case that his friend accidentally discovered. According to the post, the case was locked and abandoned in the trash outside his building.

Upon opening it, the two discovered an assortment of strange and enigmatic contents–unlike anything they had ever seen. The peculiar case has quickly gained a life of its own on the internet, with people worldwide joining forces to unravel the mystery. 

“The Box of Crazy”

On his Reddit thread, u/TramStopDan proclaims this strange find as “The Box of Crazy.” And after examining the images of the box’s contents, most other users and commenters agree there’s certainly something crazy going on inside. Even the case itself that u/TramStopDan’s friend found in the trash was far from ordinary. 


Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

It was an old, handmade wooden case with an odd shape and non-standard dimensions. The case measured 29×38 inches and was quite shallow. It fits neither the profile of a briefcase nor a suitcase, which puzzled the pair that found it even before they cracked it open.


The Decision To Open The Case

Upon opening the box, the contents appeared ordinary and unremarkable at first glance. However, upon further inspection, it became clear that the original owner of the case had undergone an experience that transcended the boundaries of the known world. 


Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The contents within seemed to result from the owner’s attempts to make sense of this extraordinary encounter as if they were a compilation of research and findings. Perhaps, the owner had felt compelled to document their experience to understand the unexplainable and share their knowledge. But, whatever the motivation, the case’s contents hold a bizarre and otherworldly quality.

So, What Exactly Was Inside?

The intriguing assembly of items inside was a true hodgepodge of a collection. Among them were drawings, schematics, quotes, maps, and personal belongings. It also became apparent that the original owner was deeply fascinated with biblical scriptures and extraterrestrial phenomena. 


Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Amidst the assorted papers and documents, there were numerous quotations from the Bible and detailed descriptions of what appeared to be otherworldly encounters. But the contents of the case did not stop there. Mixed in with the religious and extraterrestrial writings were patent files and incredibly intricate drawings, which defied explanation.

Taking The Internet By Storm

When u/TramStopDan innocently posted the story of “The Box of Crazy” on a Reddit thread, it quickly went viral and caught users’ attention worldwide. What followed was a flood of responses from users. The thread gained momentum as people reposted it on multiple forums, and online news outlets picked it up. 


Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The lure of the mysterious box was undeniable, and the Reddit thread evolved into a lively discussion among users who gave their two cents about the box’s origins, meaning, and original owner. 

An Intricate, Unfiled Patent

One particularly perplexing piece found in the box was a large, detailed drawing of what looks like a patent application. Many were intrigued by the incredibly detailed and complex drawings depicting complicated machinery and structures.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The patent file appeared to contain advanced technological designs for a railroad roller bearing. However, the patent could not be traced to any known inventor or manufacturer. A search into historical records shows the patent was never filed with the U.S. Patent Office either.


The Strangest Part

Believe it or not, the supposed patent outline dated back to 1939, only adding to its captivating nature. Despite the absence of an official patent filing, the level of detail in the drawing suggests that significant time and effort were invested in its creation.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

It was as if the owner had stumbled upon a trove of revolutionary scientific discoveries but had kept them hidden away from the rest of the world for some reason or another. What other secrets and revelations lay buried within this mysterious collection of papers?


Is It All A Hoax?

As the post gained traction, doubts about its authenticity were raised by users who identified inconsistencies and warning signs in the narrative. Some observed that the post’s language appeared artificial, while others noticed the images of the box appeared to have been altered or doctored.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

In addition, some pointed out that the font used on the first pages was modern and did not match the rest of the papers, suggesting that it was added to give an appearance of age or wear. It was also noted u/TramStopDan had no history on Reddit–joining solely to add this post.


Maps Depicting Plane Routes

The maps in the case further hint at the original owner’s deep level of complexity. One map, in particular, shows the routes of commercial airline travel, complete with labels and annotations. This revelation is puzzling (to say the least).

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Why would someone go to the trouble of creating such a detailed and intricate map of airline routes? Was it simply a hobby, or was there a deeper meaning behind it? It seems that the original owner of the case was a person of many interests and passions.


Hand Drawn Maps

Many of the maps are hand-drawn on translucent, plastic-like paper and contain intricate details and markings, suggesting precision and intentionality not typically associated with casual map-making. Even more intriguing is that all the maps have a common thread–a center point marked by a hole as if they all align to form a larger, more complex pattern or system. Or perhaps it is simply an organizational feature. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The question remains–what are the significance and the purpose of these interconnected maps?


Maps, Maps, And More Maps

Viewers are left to wonder if the maps are some sort of elaborate navigational system or if they reflect an uncommon map-making technique. There is also the possibility that, combined with the other content of the box, they reveal something more profound and mysterious. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

As one continues to examine the case’s contents, it becomes clear that the original owner was a person of deep knowledge and intellectual curiosity, with a fascination for both the natural world and the unknown. 


Did The Owner Serve In WWII?

As the investigation into the mysterious case continues, each new piece adds a growing sense of intrigue and mystery. One item in the box may be a clue for a potential connection to military service during World War II. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

This dated veteran’s medical card raises questions about the identity and history of the case’s original owner. Can we assume this person was a Second World War veteran, and if so, did their experiences shape their life and worldview? 


The “Event” Of 1977

What follows is a stark contrast to what we have seen in the box so far, and this departure seems to stem from an “event” experienced by the owner. It appears that the owner had a life-changing experience in Tampa, Florida, in 1977. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

What this experience was, and how it impacted his life and work, remains a mystery. Nevertheless, this revelation involving the owner is significant and suggests that there may be a deeper or even otherworldly level of meaning and significance to the case’s contents.


A Sketch Of The Experience

What appears to be a sketch of the life-altering experience that the case’s original owner underwent was also discovered in the case. The sketch is unlike any earlier content dated before the 1977 “event.” 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The sketch exudes a strange and unearthly quality as if attempting to capture some distant truth or insight. The subject matter of the sketch is equally enigmatic. Within it are hints of an extraterrestrial presence, impossible structures, creatures that defy description, and written notes.


A Visit From Entities

During the profound occurrence, the owner of the case believed he was visited by entities. While written details about the nature of these visitors are limited, he created a drawing that depicts them. The illustration is striking, with intricate details and unusual features that suggest the entity may not be of this world. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Its form is humanoid but with multiple limbs, heads, and animal-like features. The being’s position is also noteworthy, as it appears to be rising–possibly conveying a sense of power.


An Insight 

There are also some notes included in “The Box of Crazy” that reveal some of the owner’s thoughts about the event he experienced. However, the notes are personal accounts and are more like the writer’s train of thought than substantially documented observations. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

If viewers take the time to read the handwritten entry, it may very well leave them with more questions than answers. That is mainly due to the chaotic and technical style of writing, which takes work to follow. 


The Appearance of Geometric Shapes

The owner of the case made references to patterns and geometric designs in his writings and even included some of his own drawings in the case. It seems this is another one of the many topics that interested the owner.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Geometric patterns have long held significant meaning across various cultures and periods. Patterns are not just visually appealing, but they also represent order, symmetry, and balance in the natural world. Geometric patterns in art and architecture convey complex ideas and concepts and add aesthetic value to the design.


The “Beast” Drawings

The dreamlike renderings depict four distinct “beasts,” each with multiple heads. The sketches reflect that the creator possessed advanced drawing skills, with the beasts boasting anatomically correct features even though the figures are mythical. The drawings’ precision and attention to detail lead many to question the source of inspiration. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Perhaps the creator had a vivid imagination or recalled his dreams with incredible accuracy. On the other hand, some may believe his journal entries which claim he had an “encounter.”


Redditors Chime In

Many Redditors have chimed in, and some suspect a combination of theories. One commenter surmised the owner of the box “went slightly insane over finding extraterrestrials in the bible.” 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

He deduced, likely based on the similarities of the drawings, that the creator “was obsessed with ‘living creatures’ described in Ezekiel 10 that are described as having four faces.” He felt there were enough resemblances between the drawings and the biblical creatures to draw such a conclusion.


Otherworldly Scenes

The box is full of drawings that all seem connected to the alleged encounter experienced by the owner. Beyond the figures of the four beasts, there are also vivid drawings of otherworldly scenes combining the beasts with advanced machines and futuristic settings. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Much of the content feels like sci-fi as if the images were part of a storyboard for a fictitious film. The drawings alone may have led many to believe that’s just what they are, but when combined with the box’s other contents and the revelation that the creator had an encounter, it would be difficult to reduce them simply to that. 


Was It A Dream, Or Something More?

Whether these drawings are renderings of a dream or a real-life event is a fascinating question to which we will likely never know the answer. Dreams are often surreal and can feature impossible scenarios that defy the laws of physics or the constraints of reality. A dream-inspired drawing could feature elements of the subconscious mind, such as abstract shapes, unusual landscapes, or fantastical creatures.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

The line between the two can sometimes be blurred, with experiences that are difficult to explain or seem to come from another realm. Ultimately, the answer lies in the eye of the beholder–the unidentified owner of the wooden case.


Reaching Nirvana

This image appears even more complex than the others and is certainly the most complete. Unfortunately, u/TramStopDan gave little explanation for the images on his Reddit post – it seems he prefers to let users draw their own conclusions.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

However, he did have a more detailed remark about this particular image, writing, “This is the culmination of the canonization of forms and all the placement studies. Here the artist reaches his peak, and the vision is rendered. Nirvana.”


Biblical And Extraterrestrial Visions

Many images in the case that were created after the alleged 1977 event appear to merge elements of biblical narratives with extraterrestrial themes and motifs. This unusual combination of iconography can develop a sense of unease and curiosity as viewers struggle to reconcile two seemingly contrasting concepts.

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Combining religious and sci-fi elements and the knowledge of the other items in the box can evoke deep contemplation about the possible meanings behind the imagery. 


Was He Trying To Make A Connection?

Again, we may never know the truth behind the contents of the box, but that hasn’t stopped countless users from theorizing about the topic. Perhaps the creator intended to make a connection between the divine and the extraterrestrial or to question his own human understanding and imagination. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

Regardless of the specific intent, merging biblical and extraterrestrial themes in these images invites us to explore new ideas and perspectives and to consider the possibilities that lie beyond our understanding.


Another Patent

A rendering of a second potential patent application was also discovered in the case. This drawing appears to incorporate some of the original patent drawings that were part of the case. The details suggest that these are updated train wheels that incorporate the same layer of complexity and authenticity as the 1939 patent. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

It indicates the creator has researched the design and functionality of the train wheels. The updated wheels in the drawing suggest an interest in innovation and progress as the creator improves his version of the technology. 


Will We Ever Know The Truth?

The unknown can be a source of great intrigue and fascination, as with the mysterious “Box of Crazy” and its contents. The possibility of uncovering something new or unraveling a long-forgotten secret has enticed countless viewers. The absence of concrete information makes the mind race to fill in the gaps. 

Source: TramStopDan/Reddit

In the case of this wooden box, the mind may jump from alien encounters to hoaxes to hidden truths. However, it’s always possible the reality may be far more mundane. But the mere possibility of uncovering something unexpected can be enough to spark the imagination. 
