Dad Shares the Exact Moment He Realized He Didn’t Want to Raise His Daughter in America Anymore
As parents, we only want the best for our children, and rightfully so, because our kids deserve the best there is.
In a viral TikTok video, a dad shares the exact moment he realized he didn’t want to raise his baby girl in America anymore. The reason is somewhat unexpected but very valid.
Ashley’s Husband Hesitating On a Decision
In a TikTok video, Ashley filmed her husband sharing his thoughts on moving abroad and raising their child out of America. The husband explained his hesitation, but after taking a trip to Europe, he felt very differently about relocating to a different country and leaving their hometown in St. Louis, Missouri.

Source: lunagoestospain/ TikTok
Before the trip, Ashley had explained that her husband was on the fence about moving to Spain, but all that was about to change.
The Couple Takes a Trip to Spain
The couple had taken a trip to Spain in a bid for Ashley to convince her husband about relocating there. While they were visiting, they went into a coffee shop which was a bit crowded.

Source: lunagoestospain/ TikTok
This was not something her husband was used to, and it caused him to be a little nervous about the situation. Realizing her husband’s anxiety, Ashley did something that would make her husband come to an easy decision.
A Life-Long Weight Is Lifted
When Ashley sensed her husband’s nervousness, she turned to him and told him that no one there had guns.

Source:lunagoestospain/ TikTok
This information made her husband realize that the gun violence in America has weighed him down so much as a father of a four-year-old child. He had carried that unnecessary weight all his life, thinking it was normal until he changed his environment.
Similar Experiences Shared In the Comments
In Spain, laws surrounding firearm ownership are one of the strictest in the world, unlike in America. Due to the gun violence in America, lots of its citizens feel unsafe, especially parents who have kids in schools.

Source:lunagoestospain/ TikTok
Many people have weighed in on the video sharing their experiences out of America and how different it felt for them.